If the punchline’s unclear, flip back a few strips and it should become self-evident. And yes, that is the same stick protruding through Pit’s mouth and rear of the skull.
Zero Mission
And it’s finally another comic update! Fingers crossed I don’t get another bout of writer’s block between now and Friday.
Verbs can make awesome sound effects. Note that this is the UK edition of the comic. The US one had the stick coming out the other side of the head, but that got digitally removed in order to secure a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s actually kinda surprising how few medical practitioners there are in video games not including Trauma Center. Not including that pill-pushing “Doctor” Mario, that is. Fortunately, the suggestion I went with was quite frankly an incredibly inspired choice.
Happy 2013, everyone! It’s the first time I’ve managed to pull off a Jan 1 update since 2008! So yeah. Hopefully I don’t get too distracted bingeing the Steam sale games I bought over the Christmas break.
Merry Christmas 2012!
And so this is where the story’s gonna get left before my holiday break. There’s a chance of some sketchish stuff going up next week, mind, while I’m out of town. Kinda want to do up something for the 25th[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…