Ahoyhoy from the past! Since I’m on vacation and all and thus had to scramble to preplan this thing. Hope you’re all simply having a Wonderful Christmastime. Hopefully a better one than Henchman 24, that said (10 points to whoever[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And having been busy the last few days doing this art for my annual TFcon shirt, I figured it would make some good filler. Namely, Akibaranger filler. Everyone on here is homaging some character in Akibaranger. And, save for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Party Pooper
Ah, subtext. Feel free to read into Deej’s dialog to your heart’s desire. I’m well aware there’s a few readings one could make.
Poor Party Planning
Not all that much to say here. Except that if I have a universe in which there’s anthropomorphic cats and mice, among many other things I haven’t explicitly stated on-panel, why can’t there be cows that dress as Mayor MacCheese for Halloween?
Her Own Size
O’Doyle Rules! Yes, I’m assuming you’ve all seen Billy Madison. And if you haven’t? It’s on Netflix. Yes, even up in Canada :D. One of the classics that took Adam Sandler from SNL and made him a household name in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…