Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m probably not going to ever be 100% happy with the final edit of this. This entire conversation’s probably one of the trickiest things I’ve had to write, considering how it’s necessary glue indeed yet[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And now, have a continuation of the thankfully then-interrupted conversation started back in this comic. For the record, this is most definitely NOT the leadin to a scene jump segway.
Car Trouble
There’s a few inspirations at play here. Namely, the Legend of Korra recap newsreels, as well as ultradynamic kicked up to beyond 11 Gainax-style art.
And so, behold! Characters who haven’t shown up in the comic in years! Characters who’ve previously only shown up in far-in-the-past flashbacks! Characters who haven’t shown up outside of side projects I’ve drawn that are in-continuity but not up on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And we’re finally out of the dredge of a location the storyline’s been mired in! …which means I need to once again start thinking about backgrounds. I miss the days when a comic was just two guys standing around talking[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And it’s a late update. So yeah, apologies. And I swear to Christian Bale’s Batman that any perceived innuendo in panel 6 was something I only actually noticed AFTER I drew the art for that panel. Also, this comic kinda[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…