Hogan Knows Best Apr02 by General Tekno on April 2, 2008 at 12:01 am Chapter: Some Things Never ChangeCharacters: Thrallmasters Lesson: Never frak with Col. Tigh. He is badass. └ Tags: all along the watchtower, angmar, arnor, battlestar galactica, bsg, colonel tigh, cylons, gondor, Lord of the Rings, MEC, michael hogan, rise of the witchking, rotwk, soldiers, speaker Comment
The Other Side of a Dark Lord’s War Jun25 by General Tekno on June 25, 2007 at 12:01 am Chapter: Pop Cultural StudiesCharacters: Thrallmasters └ Tags: angmar, army, Battle for Middle Earth, MEC, recruiting, rise of the witchking, rotwk, witch king, witchking Comment
The REAL Inside the Battle Jan06 by General Tekno on January 6, 2007 at 12:01 am Chapter: Introductions Are NecessaryCharacters: Thrallmasters └ Tags: angmar, Battle for Middle Earth, elf, Elves, Lord of the Rings, MEC, rotwk, witch king Comment