Russell T. Davies, eat your heart out! I can write myself into corners better than you! …actually, no. I take that back. You’re FAR more skilled at that.
Russell T. Davies, eat your heart out! I can write myself into corners better than you! …actually, no. I take that back. You’re FAR more skilled at that.
Enjoy the bonus not-so-1337 quick coloring job on pages that weren’t intended to be colored originally!
You can tell by the ridiculously high number that the Surveillancetron 9,634,715.2 is ADVANCED. But also already obsolete.
The platypus in the tube is there for a reason: We’d have to incorporate whatever was yelled out when the gong was wrong. The first gong called for a platypus in a tutu. And I hadn’t heard of Phineas and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So begins six weeks of filler, everyone. HOWEVER, it’s BIWEEKLY filler, BUT it’s OOC from the BT Toons continuity. Enjoy!