That’s right – I finally got around to doing some new Sourcebook pages! For those unaware, the original Sourcebook was a thing I did YEARS ago as a storyline catchup thing. All with info that, now, is pretty incredibly obsolete[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And yeah. This thing took WAY WAY WAY too long to get drawn, especially considering it’s a transition comic. LOTS going on in here though.
And it’s a slightly late comic as a result of technical difficulties encountered last night. But everything’s working now, so cool. And re: the whispered dialogue… do you really have to guess?
In case you’d forgotten the seemingly unrelated giant robot fight also going on at this same time from earlier, yeah, that’s still an ongoing thing. But more importantly, Friday comic wooooo! Though hopefully Tuesday still happens next week all the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Heavy Burden
And it’s another jump back into the past. Specifically, immediately after this scene. Eagle-eyed readers may well notice that every appearance of Mercy since then has had her equipped with said collar – yes, that whole aspect was planned even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Think of Dim and Dimmer as a Garry Chalk/Scott McNeil character duo. And yes, they sorta met before earlier in the year, though it’s doubtful Scarme would even care to be aware. Was kinda fun working out this strip too, given I actually[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yes, it’s FINALLY another new update! It’s been like a year since I came up with this concept; I swear.