That’s right! No card cutouts this year! I got a different idea, one that’s bathed in satire. You know what’s REALLY HARD about political satire in this day and age from my standpoint? I love hyperbole. My general technique is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One day, one of Mew\'s minions decided she was female. More competent/crafty than the average Kyuu, she quickly established herself as Mew\'s de-facto main minion.
Not that he\'s properly aware of that. Or even knows her name. (Which you would think he\'d have picked up on by now given she\'s the one female minion.)
Marcie is one of the few individuals to have actually lived through the Timeskip Era. As such, this also makes her the oldest of her kind by default (and, in fact, in human years older than Mew himself.) While loyally devoted to her boss, her years on her own have given her a taste of independence.
So the genesis of this comic is my buying NewAge Romulus. It’s an unlicensed third party transforming toy of Megatron that’s roughly in scale with mainline Hasbro figures. The packaging for it is even going right up to the edge[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
2024 Valentines
Why yes, I DID start drawing this last Monday. Why do you ask? Wasn’t expecting it to be THIS late for the occasion but hey that last panel plan was a VERY adaptable one! Fun to draw, too! Also boy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Omega Prime
Oh hey that’s right it’s a new comic! And oh hey, it’s all the 100% valid counterpoints my fictional characters threw at me as I hit the preorder button without a second thought or regrets. You can back an Omega[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Halloween 2023
Wait what’s this? A new comic? HOW CAN THIS BE seriously though woot woot I FINALLY drew something new comicwise! And this is also the first one I did most of the work for on my (new-as-of-this-year) Surface. Been doing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wait WHAT? A new comic? How did THAT happen? And actually in reasonable time, no less! Somehow I wedged this in between some side stuff I should be working on and Sonic Frontiers. So woot! And with that said a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey, it’s FINALLY a new comic! How long did it take to finish this one due to distractions? WELL. I had it almost finished when Genshin 3.0 came out. And it’s only getting posted now. So yeah, this has been[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Post Valentine’s Day
Does this comic exist because I wanted to give myself another week before starting in on a bunch of interconnected comics, thus buying myself more time to play Legends Arceus? As well as because I thought of panel 4 at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…