And it’s FINALLY a new comic update, after FAR too long. I suppose at some point I should come up with names for the rest of Senator Teller’s family, given I made them up on the spot.
Short update this week on account of getting stuck on necessary plot advancement. (And of note, a change in storyline header to boot. With any luck, the last such change of this extended storyarc…) For the one of you who[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And he’s back! To save the day! Complete with a callback to this arc! (Which, to remind people, happened less than a year ago in comic continuity since we’re still stuck in 2012)
And having been busy the last few days doing this art for my annual TFcon shirt, I figured it would make some good filler. Namely, Akibaranger filler. Everyone on here is homaging some character in Akibaranger. And, save for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In case you’re wondering, the chunk of the prison implied to be leveled was on the other side. Thus why I didn’t need to draw a pile of rubble. Also, it’s the return of “Catman” the Bounty Hunter! — And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, yeah. I know that I said Tuesday’s was gonna be the last one in this storyarc. But then I got an idea based on that blasted warrantless internet spying legislation making the rounds now. Seriously, C-30 and its American[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Man, I swear. For a generic Praetor commander, this guy’s REALLY REALLY grown on me. Now, if only there were some way I could use the array of Technoraptor lore in my head to give him a different design…. 😉