Yes, it’s FINALLY another new update! It’s been like a year since I came up with this concept; I swear.
So HOLY CRAP PACIFIC RIM YOU GUYS. AMAZING film. Simply AMAZING. Is it gonna win any Oscars for Best Actor? No. But that’s not why you go see it. You go see it because GIANT ROBOTS VS GIANT MONSTERS IN[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so, behold! Characters who haven’t shown up in the comic in years! Characters who’ve previously only shown up in far-in-the-past flashbacks! Characters who haven’t shown up outside of side projects I’ve drawn that are in-continuity but not up on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New comics coming next week! In the meantime, have some filler art homaging a certain recent Starcraft II expansion and its Zerg cast of advisors.
And having been busy the last few days doing this art for my annual TFcon shirt, I figured it would make some good filler. Namely, Akibaranger filler. Everyone on here is homaging some character in Akibaranger. And, save for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, yeah. I know that I said Tuesday’s was gonna be the last one in this storyarc. But then I got an idea based on that blasted warrantless internet spying legislation making the rounds now. Seriously, C-30 and its American[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so concludes this storyarc. Friday’s either gonna be a new one or a standalone. Not sure yet offhand.
Man, I swear. For a generic Praetor commander, this guy’s REALLY REALLY grown on me. Now, if only there were some way I could use the array of Technoraptor lore in my head to give him a different design…. 😉