That’s right – I finally got around to doing some new Sourcebook pages! For those unaware, the original Sourcebook was a thing I did YEARS ago as a storyline catchup thing. All with info that, now, is pretty incredibly obsolete[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Character Revisions
Unikitty is awesome. Deciding on the final script for this comic was not. The length kept growing and shrinking until I ended up with what’s on the page now. But at some point you gotta just publish something.
And he’s back! To save the day! Complete with a callback to this arc! (Which, to remind people, happened less than a year ago in comic continuity since we’re still stuck in 2012)
And having been busy the last few days doing this art for my annual TFcon shirt, I figured it would make some good filler. Namely, Akibaranger filler. Everyone on here is homaging some character in Akibaranger. And, save for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Joy of Innocents
Once again, I milk this dead baby joke. Seriously, this is the last time. Tune in Friday as I contradict my current belief of “NO MORE MILKING THE SAME JOKE”. Pun seriously not intended.
Reichtest Seriously, people. At this rate, SOPA’s gonna pass. Because legislators are morons. In case you’re curious, that said – no, I don’t actually have a physical list. But the basic blueprint of “if this is something I would do[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hopeless Debunking
I’m especially proud of how that middle panel turned out. Note the Death Egg, Angel Island, Perfect Chaos, and Crisis City in the background. But yeah – this comic is basically my response to everyone who hates on Sonic Generations[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…