And back to the other interlude! Group transformation sequences are fun to draw; hopefully I’ve gotten enough across here. (Sadly, they also take awhile to draw.) As for the unelaborated intro of these guys, well clearly I need to publish[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Unfortunately born on the anniversary of 9/11, has had to be the perfect political prop her entire life. May have psychopathic tendencies.
Ahoyhoy from the past! Since I’m on vacation and all and thus had to scramble to preplan this thing. Hope you’re all simply having a Wonderful Christmastime. Hopefully a better one than Henchman 24, that said (10 points to whoever[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So yeah. The whole prelude section is basically why this comic exists. And indeed, this is a poorly conceived rewrite of this comic. As for my actual thoughts on this whole Star Wars thing, well, I’d say I’m cautiously optimistic at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And having been busy the last few days doing this art for my annual TFcon shirt, I figured it would make some good filler. Namely, Akibaranger filler. Everyone on here is homaging some character in Akibaranger. And, save for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They Didn’t.
So yeah. This actually bloody happened. On Wednesday, they announced out of the blue that GI Joe Retaliation, due out at the end of June, was getting shelved until March 2013. So that they could add bloody THREE-DEE to the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In case you’re wondering, the chunk of the prison implied to be leveled was on the other side. Thus why I didn’t need to draw a pile of rubble. Also, it’s the return of “Catman” the Bounty Hunter! — And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Media Frenzy
Seriously, this sort of crap is what the media does. Though I admittedly have no idea just where that file photo of Breeze came from.