That’s right. More filler using a standin for an existing product that’s mocking my own foolish interests. If I manage to get another update up this week, it’ll probably be even fillerier. Given I’ll be spending said weekend cavorting about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged jellyman
Fillertime: Toys To Life
Taking a brief break from the story to vent stuff with a fun aside. And use it as an excuse to doodle what Jellyman Amiibos would look like. Also, hey! A second update in a week! That’s TECHNICALLY still on Saturday by[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And yeah. This thing took WAY WAY WAY too long to get drawn, especially considering it’s a transition comic. LOTS going on in here though.
I’m serious. This is honest-to-goodness drivel. Thrown together with zero planning in like half an hour since I was running behind on my comic update and want to get some sleep/go play Google Maps Pokemon. ….I mean, yeah, totally, this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ridiculous Revisionism
So. Regarding this strip. As some of you know, my stated opinions on the Star Wars edits are best articulated in this comic. But screw that, I’m pretty darn pissed at that addition of the “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” in RotJ. And I’m[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…