A Bad Feeling (All Over)
Ridiculous Revisionism
So. Regarding this strip. As some of you know, my stated opinions on the Star Wars edits are best articulated in this comic. But screw that, I’m pretty darn pissed at that addition of the “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” in RotJ. And I’m[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Media Frenzy
on September 15, 2011
at 10:00 pm
Chapter: Behavioral Consequences
Characters: Breeze, Doe-tan, Mira, Praetors, Senator Teller, Sinvy, Thrallmasters, Tom Anchorman, Tornado
Seriously, this sort of crap is what the media does. Though I admittedly have no idea just where that file photo of Breeze came from.
BT Toons At The Movies: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I have been completely and totally humbled by the fact that this comic was produced as a guest comic for me. I owe you two now, Josh 😛
Note that when I say complete marathon, I include every single cartoon. In theory this could even include a Let’s Play of KOTOR and KOTOR 2, mind.