And he’s back! To save the day! Complete with a callback to this arc! (Which, to remind people, happened less than a year ago in comic continuity since we’re still stuck in 2012)
And he’s back! To save the day! Complete with a callback to this arc! (Which, to remind people, happened less than a year ago in comic continuity since we’re still stuck in 2012)
Yes, it’s FINALLY another new update! It’s been like a year since I came up with this concept; I swear.
Yeah, yeah. I know that I said Tuesday’s was gonna be the last one in this storyarc. But then I got an idea based on that blasted warrantless internet spying legislation making the rounds now. Seriously, C-30 and its American[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Man, I swear. For a generic Praetor commander, this guy’s REALLY REALLY grown on me. Now, if only there were some way I could use the array of Technoraptor lore in my head to give him a different design…. 😉
And this is why there wasn’t a Friday comic last week. And I’ll be completely honest – I’m just as surprised the story’s shunted in this direction.
So yeah. As some of you may notice, I’ve gone and retconned character design colors. (Not that you’ll notice for long once I replace the old comics, mind. There’s rhyme to this reason. Namely, as I was conceiving of this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, I’ll be honest. I did not see the last panel turning out the way it did when I started this. As for some character notes…. well, The Capitalist (“Fatman”) is yet another carryover from Captain Freedom’s era of appearing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…