So this page is one of those odd things in that it’s only pseudofiller filler.

Namely, because the dialogue between Oils/MEWDOK on the original pages 4-5 (now pages 14 and 16 – see how sad I am?) , while it worked well for a 12 page comic, could stand to get some page time of its own so as to not cram it into the footnote margins of those respective pages.

Though this was surprisingly trickier than I thought it would be  to draw – this is the only page so far where I actually discarded a WIP drawing because I couldn’t figure out how to transition this into page 16 effectively, considering I was combining a couple of conversations there.

I might post the original pages for good measure, once I get page 16 up next week, just to indicate how this changed. Alternatively, if you live in Edmonton, you could always go by Happy Harbor Comics and pick up their 2011 12 Hour Comic challenge omnibus, in which the original 12 page story is collected (before I did my whole “director’s cut” treatment of it, as this has pretty clearly become at this point)